Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Puppets for charity

For FHE last week the ward got together to make some hand puppets out of socks.. These little puppet buddies will be donated to a childrens hospital to help them to be able to have fun while they're being sick.

I couldn't decide what i wanted to make, so i ended up making my little guy a puppet missionary with a suit and tie.

After i was done with that, i helped another girl in my ward with her puppet. She was making Indiana Jones, so i helped her make the whip and handbag.

Our ward usually does service projects once a month. We've already made hygiene kits, and beanies for new borns.

If anyone has anything they need done, my ward would be the one to get it done for you.


kimmers said...

I loved your little puppet missionary! And I'm sure it was no skin off your back to help out with the Indiana Jones stuff ...

Vlazny's said...

You are in a good ward. Lots of creative activities. I need to share this one with the YM and YW of my ward.
Your puppet looks awesome!