Today i was chatting with one of my friends on msn messenger. She wanted me to tell her a story, so i thought i would be random and write a quick story. I seriously made up this story and wrote it in under 10 minutes. I thought it turned out pretty good, so i thought i'd post it. i edited a little bit to make more sense. Hope you like it. It would make a good childrens story.
juspain says: Once upon a time there was an old man who owned and farmed a pumpkin patch in his backyard.
His name was farmer John.
Every halloween season he grew pumkins and would sell most of his pumpkins to the community. He also donated a good porportion of his pumkins to a local youth charity.
Farmer john was a well respected man..well this one year he noticed pumpkins started dissapearing from his patch by the dozen evernight. He couldn't understand why, or where they were going. Farmer John suspected that someone was stealing them during the night. He even noticed smashed pumpkins in front of his house on the road. On halloween night he thought he would try to protect his pumpkins by staying up all night to keep watch.
He didn't want pumpkin bashers to come along and destroy them. Halloween night came, the night was dark, cold, and spooky. The ground was covered with old crunchy leaves that had blown off by the cold breezy wind.
John was walking around watching over his pumpkin patch. Suddenly, he noticed a crunchy noise comming from behind him. Crunch, crunch! the noise gradually grew louder. He paused for a moment. The noise went away then the crunch noise came back. It sounded as if someone was right behind farmer john. He could hear the crunch of leaves and noticed a small gurgling roar sound that seemed to come toward him. Madly scared, Farmer John turned around. He saw nothing. He sighed, but then noticed that suddenly the noise was so loud and all around him... He looked down and saw his pumpkins waddling toward him. Crunch, crunch crunch! He noticed that the small roaring sound was coming from the pumpkins.
They seemed to be alive! The pumpkins began jumping at John! John screamed like a girl, "Yikes!" John tried to run away, but the pumpkins started attacking him.
The pumpkins dominated and were victorious. John fell down to the ground gasping out, "help me!" like a helpless ant.
The next morning John's wife went out to the patch to search for him, only to find his shoe stuckin the side of an oddly shapped, enourmous pumpkin.

That's unusual she thought. Why was there only one gigantic pumpkin in the whole patch? And why was her husband's shoe stuck in it?
She reported her husband missing to the local authorities. When investigators came to investigate, they decided they needed the pumpkin for evidence.
They thought that this pumpkin was unusually big, so they decided to cut it open.
There they found Farmer John covered in pumpkin mush and seeds and half-digested inside of the pumpkin.
John had been swallowed up by one of the pumpkins that he had loved and cared for so much.
The End