Saturday, November 1, 2008

Facial hair gone!

During the past 3 weeks I have been sporting a full out beard. I decided that I would be Jack Sparrow for Halloween, so I needed to have the facial hair going on. It's very uncomfortable sporting a beard when you're not use to having one. It's pokey and sometimes itchy, and is the best way to scare off girls.... well some.

Jack Sparrow was a success. I went to a multi-ward activity on the 30th at Classic Skating and I had a lot of people that took pictures with me.

Then on Halloween night i went to a big dance party by BYU and ran into 2 other Jack Sparrow wanna-be's. They did alright, but I think I had them beat. The
The first thing I did after getting all of my makeup washed off was shave! Lets just say that it's good to be myself again. I can now bring the original sexy back.


Vlazny's said...

Your a good Jack Sparrow. But I have to say I like you better clean shaven. Sounds like your Halloween was fun. Caden was Batman. We couldn't catch up with him. He loved getting candy. But we enjoy the candy more since we get to eat it!

mckenna said...

Yeah. I'm not a huge fan of the facial hair myself. Glad it's gone. :) Happy Halloween!! ...and isn't your birthday in October too? Happy birthday if I'm correct!!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I would have to agree... clean shaven is the way to go! But you did make a great Jack Sparrow and wow talk about effort in to it! Loved it!