Sunday, April 18, 2010

Visiting Old Stomping Grounds

This past week I flew to Washington to visit my aunt in Kennewick, along with with my cousins who were visiting from New York. It has been many years since we all have been gathered together at my aunt Katie's house. When I was in high school I used to visit my aunt with my brother and my three cousins every summer. We'd spend a month every summer with my aunt playing around, traveling, and camping. We loved being with my aunt Katie. She is always a delightful person to be around, and she treats us as if we were her own kids.
It has been probably 12 years since we have all been at my aunts house together at the same time. Everyone went their own way after graduating high school. Two of my cousins joined the military, while my brother and I served missions and went to college. One of my cousins, Mike, had recently returned from his tour of duty in Iraq a few months ago. He has spent a total of 3 years in Iraq as a sniper, and a gunman hanging out of a helicopter. Unfortunately we were missing one cousin, Nate, who is lives in Florida.
Katie is our dentist, and had to do some much needed work with all three of us. My two cousins and I all had to get crowns. We took turns being Katie's assistant and helping things to go smooth.
Their mom and youngest sister came out with me from Utah to visit as well. We spent some great quality time playing games, movies, and doing yard work.
I was the "DD" one night accompanying my cousins to the local bars, so they could get their much needed female interaction in. That was interesting, over rated, boring, and just a waste of money, but seeing my cousins drunk was pretty funny.

Visiting with family is always a good time. The time spent together is valued much more when your family is scattered all over the U.S.

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