Thursday, April 3, 2008

My week

I couldn't think of much to write about this week, so i thought that i would talk about some of the activities that i did.
This has been a busy week full of plenty of time spent at school. I have been working on a remote control airplane documentary for my video format journalism class. I have posted at the bottom of my blog the youtube version of my video. I have spent about 10 hours more or less editing it, and my teacher wants me to continue editing it until it is about 5 minutes long. So i will continue playing with it some more.
I have also been spending a lot of time editing my final project for my digital cinema class. This video isn't suppose to be any longer than 5 minutes. It will be an interesting film to see once im finished.
I play the main character, who is a student janitor at uvsc. One day while washing windows at school he sees the woman of his dreams walk by. I end up running into her a couple of times on campus. My character's friend, a magician tries to help me get the girl, but only keeps screwing me up. Will i end up with the girl? You'll have to see the final video when i post it up on my blog in about another week.
Other than that, i went to Goshen Elementary school on wednesday to be a judge at an educational fair. My brother and I were in charge of judging the math projects of students from 4th to 6th grade. It was a cool little experience to talk with the kids, and we each got a free silver dollar out of it for our services.

1 comment:

{irene} said...

A silver dollar?...woho!!!:)