Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Latino Educational Convention

On March 28, 2008 for the firth straight year Utah Community Credit Union together with Utah Valley University are presenting the Latino Educational Convention at Mountain View High School from 12:30 to 6:30 pm.

This event focuses on helping the Hispanic middle and high school aged youth to realize the importance of their future by giving them a vision to look past a high school education and continue to college . The event is expecting roughly 800 Latino students to participate in this year’s convention and nearly 100 volunteers.

“This is a great opportunity to give a lot to the Latino community in our area. The main idea is to help the students to catch the vision needed to be able to further their education.” Said Jorge Aguero, marketing director for Utah Community Credit Union, and volunteer coordinator for the educational convention.

Aguero was touched by the program when he volunteered during the first convention at American Fork High School five years ago. Since then he has continued to volunteer his time to continue helping Latino students.

“We’re starting to see the fruits.” Aguero said.

According to Aguero, many volunteers are still needed to help run the program. They are still looking for volunteers to mostly set-up and escort the students throughout the day. Throughout the evening there will be different activities going on in the school. The event will kick-off in the auditorium then from there break into smaller classroom size groups. Afterwards other trained volunteers will be making presentations to the students to encourage them, and give them motivation to stay away from gangs and quitting school.

“I think it’s a great idea. After most of these students graduate from high school they don’t think about getting more of an education. They think that a high school diploma is all they’re good for.” Said Alex Garces, a Hispanic student at UVSC.

Garces also said “It’s realizing that you are worth more, and to not just settle for less. That will help students to visualize a future of success, and not just settle for a Mcdonalds job. I’m glad I’m taking the necessary steps to further my education.”

United Way of Utah County asks that the schools involved in the program try to make a one dollar donation to the program for every student that participates in the program. This contribution isn’t obligatory, but is helpful to the program. The money is used to start a scholarship fund that is then given back to the students.

“This year we stepped up the program a level with more workshops. This year the program is more balanced and complete.” Said Aguero.

For more volunteer information please visit http://www.unitedwayucv.org/org/opp/10261146003-detailed.html

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