Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Work trip to the middle of nowhere

These past couple of days I went out of town near Vernal Utah for work. Every summer I usually go out of town every now and then to do asphalt maintenance. I have been to some places that I considered to be in the middle of nowhere, but I was way off. This place I went to beats everywhere I have ever been for the middle of nowhere.
It was at a place called Jones Hole Fish Hatchery. It's a national fish hatchery, so the government runs it, and the fish raised there is put into rivers and lakes all over the country. They mainly raise four different kinds of trout. Can I say that I got to feed the fish once? Haha. This hatchery is located about an hour drive north east of Vernal, way close to the Colorado boarderline. There is absolutely nothing along the way.
The good thing about this place was that it is located in a very beautiful canyon. I wouldn't mind going there sometime to do some hiking.
This was a very tough job. We slurried all of the raceway areas, along with parking lots and roads all around the facility. The maintenance guy was EXTREMELY picky. The cleanup before coming home took longer than we had anticipated. I worked there two straight days and came home with a total of 32 hours including drive time. Luckily I got the rest of today off once I got back home, so I could rest and write on my blog :)
I found this spider on this post thingy, and it was the creepiest thing i've seen in the wild. It looked like it had a smiley face on its bum.. see for yourself. I was freaked out just getting this close to take a picture of it.

1 comment:

kimmers said...

Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick. Spiders like that should not be allowed to exist. Gaggggg.