Friday, February 8, 2008

An end to america's hope

I just wanted to let others know how dissapointed i am now that Mitt Romney is no longer running for president. I always thought from the get go that there would be no way that Mitt, a mormon, would be able to pull it off. There's just too many Anti-mormon people out there that will continue to persecute the good so that the bad will prevail. It seems like this sort of thing happens often... The good end up getting the short straw, and the bad get away undetected.

It's going to be a day similiar to going to the dentist to have my wisdom teeth removed to get me to want to vote in the next presidential elections. I won't want to vote if my only options are a republican who looks like the Crypt Keeper from the Tales of the Crypt, and a not so promising other two who seem to be power hungry without the needed skills.

Well needless to say, maybe now is a great time to prepare for the worst... Maybe i'll take President Hinkley's advice and start working on my food storage. Or maybe I should start digging a bomb shelter under my bedroom. Hopefully my the neighbors below don't mind a little company.

I suppose i will keep going to school and try my best to become as educated as i possibly can, so that way i'm better prepared for what the future dishes out to me.... Now if only i can get my homework done, and get my assingments in on time............................

1 comment:

mckenna said...

Justin! Fun that you're bloggin! Being a stay at home mom, blogging is sadly my digital social life. Aside from weekly trips to the grocery store, this is about as social as I get! At least on a regular basis! Anyway, I'll be keeping tabs on you from now on!
