With all of the problems that seem to be happening I thought that it would be a good idea to become like most dedicated relief societists and get myself a food storage goin on just incase a disaster strikes.
The recent earthquake near Wells, Nevada helped me to realize just how important it should be to have a back up plan just incase tradgedy strikes. Things seem to happen when we're least suspecting them, so it's important to become like the boyscouts that we once were and hold true to our motto..."Be Prepared".
It is interesting to me to think about how prepared most young men once were. Trained to become the future leaders of America. It was drilled into the minds of every young scout to be prepared.
Thinking about the earthquake and remembering the days when i was a Tenderfoot I decided to come up with a game plan of my own. If disaster randomly strikes and those friends of mine out there reading this are not prepared, then have no fear... Justin is here.
My car has become my preparation kit. Not only do I now have enough grub in my glove compartment to feed all of the fat little neighborhood kids, but I also have a GPS should one of the chubby kids get lost on the way to "candy dealer" Justin's house. If compasses go down and everybody forgets the mad skills learned
in the scouting program,be not afraid. I have other remedies to.

Aside from the GPS, other necesities on hand (but not pictured) are a first aid kit, picnic blanket, football, rollerblades, frisbee, baseball equipment, and sometimes RCA airplanes stored safely in the trunk of my car. So if disaster strikes and you're unprepared, don't say that i didn't warn you. Or if you're thinking about jumping me.... FORGET IT!