Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Educational fair in Goshen

Today my brother Brandon and i got the opportunity to be judges at the Educational Fair at Goshen Elementary. For those who don't know where Goshen is, it's west of Santiquin.. if you're still lost.. find a map....
Last year my brother and I were judges and judged the Math category. This year we did the Science projects for the 4th - 6th graders. We recognized a few of the kids that we met last year when we judged their projects, and even remembered a few of the projects that they had done.
Most of the kids were pretty nervous to explain their projects to us. Some of them even had memorized the things that they wanted to tell us.
That was pretty impressive to have them have something with hard vocabulary memorized.
The most interesting project was from a 4th grader who put food coloring drops in milk and then added soap. You can see how the soap attacks the fat molecules and swirls around the colors. The less fat found in milk, the less effect the soap had on it.
We also got Silver coins for helping out with the project. Now i wonder if we'll go back for a third year next year.


The Nixons said...

You'll probably go back... my mom already asked Brandon to do it again and if you would have still been there she would have asked you :) Next year it's social studies...

kimmers said...

No doubt you will be back. The real question is: what will the thank you gift be this time? Let's see what they can dig out of that bottom drawer. ;)

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

One Question:

How many of these kids parents did their proejects do you think?

Justin Nixon said...

Yeah it was pretty easy to tell which parents did most of the work, and which kids actually did quite a bit of the work on their own. We tried our best to be the best judges we could