Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First real hike of the year

Today was such a beautiful day, and with no work to do, i thought i'd get out and do a little bit of hiking. Yesterday for our ward family night we went hiking around Dry Canyon which is located at the base of Mt. Timpanogas at the foothills of Lindon. I liked the area and have never been hiking up there, so i returned today with my camera to document the hike.
It's a neat hike.It has a beautiful view of the valley and the lake on the west side, then the snow capped peaks of Mt. Timpanogas on the east side.
There are bunch of trails that lead to all over the area and at the base of the hike there is a parking lot that has some maps of the trails and where they lead to. I'll have to come back again to be able to seek out where the other trails go.

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