Growing up Nathan and i were the closest out of all of my cousins. We were best friends. Luckily his mom lived up here in Utah, so i got to see him along with my other 2 cousins often. When he was in California we used to write each other letters all the time, since talking on the phone was expensive long distance. I remember one time getting a letter from him, and he used a mickey mouse sticker for a stamp and it worked. I got the letter.
When we were in high school all used to go to my aunt Katie's house in Kennewick WA. for a month and have the best time ever.
After high school everyone went their own ways, and now i hardly ever see any of my cousins. Nathan is now married and has two little boys: Michael, (named after Nate's youngest brother) and Titus. Nathan has been married for nearly 3 years. His wife's family is from Florida near Orlando, so they are trying to establish themselves there. Nathan doesn't like it there, because of the heat, but his wife won't let him move their family to Utah.
This trip was a good bonding time for Nate and i. His wife worked a few of the days, so we stayed home and babysat the kiddies. Little Michael is 2 years old, and looks just like Nate. We think little Michael has a crush on me, cause he always kept coming up to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek along with a hug. The other kiddo, baby Titus was just a good sport the whole time, and doesn't fuss a whole lot.
I got to help Nate redo his resume. We spent quite a bit of time coming up with ideas for things we could put on there so Nate stands out better. He's looking for a security job and is having a tough time finding work.
My brother Brandon and his family came down for about a day and a half. We met up with them and went to the beach in Melbourne. It was a lot of fun. I got to play with my nieces the whole time. The water was warm, and the waves were perfect for body surfing.
We went and checked out Downtown Disney and saw all of the shops there.
The trip was short, but a lot of fun. Luckily i was able to get on a flight back home. Flying with a buddy pass means you fly standby. You might get bumped. I took the last seat on the plane and was able to fly home with Brandon and his family. Brandon and i pretty much battled each other with the on flight trivia game they have on the plane.. i think i won her more than he won me :)