As a boy scout i spent 3 days on the river traveling over 50 miles.
Last summer i tried to get some friends together to go, but things always kept coming up last minute and the trip never happened.. But not this year. I, along with Malory and Christy organized a weekend get away to Jackson to get down the river. 4 guys and 4 girls... perfect combo. I got my buddy from UVU Jake and his buddy Scott to come and they were way fun to hang out with. We drove up together, and the girls all drove up together in a truck.

We camped out on Friday night and had to get up at 7am to make it to the rafting place on time. All together it was a 21 miles trip down the snake river near the Gran Tetons. The first 13 miles were just scenic floating where we just chilled and looked at the surrounding beauty and an occasional beaver, or bald eagle.
After that and lunch we jumped on a bus that shuttled us down to spot to do white water rafting. that was 8 miles and about an hour long. I got to paddle on the front left side. We had 16 people in our raft. It was fun to get wet every time we hit the big rapids that were like big waves. Lunch counter, and Big Kahuna were great along with the rest.

We later made it back to our camp site and gathered around the fire and had a good time keeping warm and roasting hot dogs and marshmellows. The girls had their own tent, and the boys had their own tent.. and there was a bathroom nearby with running water, so it wasn't too bad.
Then early sunday morning we were sadly on our way back down to Provo. We (the boys) went the scenic route near Bear Lake, and through the Logan Canyon. It was way beautiful.

Overall the trip was a blast and wouldn't have changed anything.. No drama existed among the guys.. just a little with the girls since they sort of seemed to keep ditching us, but it wasn't too bad. Now i can't wait to make another trip somewhere exciting.